18 July 2009

Josie's first gold medal

Josie's a gymnast! Well, she had her first gymnastics meet in May, and she was so excited! Of course the kids need help every step of the way...but she really enjoys tumbling, roll-overs, jumping on the board, the bars, the beam, and all that gymnastics stuff (those were her own words)! Gold medal here we come!


Kristin said...

Adorable!! I love the picture of her with her gold medal. I think gymnastics would be such a fun thing for her! We miss you guys - it's been too long!!

Day Family Blog said...

Wow I can't believe that Jacksons hair is still so curly. Josie is so cute and it looks like her gymnastics class is really awesome. I bet she just loves it. I need to get Camille into something like that.

Jokilyn said...

Oh, what fun! She looks absolutely darling!! I think I've told you about a million times, but I LOVE her hair! And Jackson's!! So cute!

I'm glad I found your blog!!