28 December 2008

2008 Highlights & Random Facts

2008 Highlights & Random Facts
(In No Particular Order)
  • Jackson learned how to walk and talk...and he has never stopped either of them!
  • Josie completed her 1st dance class, recital and all.
  • Spring trip to Moab, Arches, Canyonlands w/ Laurie & Andy Bailey.
  • A quick trip to Portland Oregon for a friend's wedding, some sight seeing (Multnomah Falls, Portland Temple), and some gracious relatives (thanks Alan and Jill!).
  • Witnessing the Cougars blow out the UCLA Bruins.
  • Steve's promotion to Planning Director.
  • Jackson's amazingly curly hair!
  • The Ward Choir (and Kristin's Oboe) performing Candi's amazing arrangement of a Christmas song.
  • Steve hiked Mt. Timpanogos for the 1st time!
  • The whole family went through Timpanogos Cave.
  • Steve's work conference trip to Denver.
  • Countless fun with Grandma & Grandpa, Ben and Josh, Liesel, and all of the relatives that live close by.
  • We bought a 2nd car...twice (the 1st one was a dud).
  • The snow igloo we made a week ago - big enough for two adults to sit inside.
  • Watching Josie master the balance games on the Wii.
  • Steve was blind and now he sees! LASIK is a miracle!
  • 1st Camping trip with the kids was a success!
  • Dinosaur museums (Thanksgiving Point & Ogden)
  • Ward Clerk and Primary Presidency callings.
  • 4th of July in Huntsville.
  • Candi writing music - always coming up with music and lyrics throughout the day.
  • After a drought of 10 or 15 games, Steve finally beat his dad at Ticket to Ride.
  • Krohn Family Reunion in Midway - everyone was there! Quite a feat.
  • BodyWorlds in Salt Lake - the human body is amazing beyond words.
  • Josie getting so excited on the various carnival rides.
  • Parades, parades, parades. Never seen so many horses.
  • Hayrides, huge slides, petting zoos, and fun in a huge corn playpen.
  • The jailbird, jack the pumpkin king, and cannibal jack-o-lanterns.
  • Josie's ladybug halloween costume - bright red hair and all.
  • The Living Planet Aquarium - sharks, jellyfish, manta rays, starfish, octopus, etc.
  • Playing at the park how many times? Endless.
  • Reading books with the kids.
  • Steve's new hairdo...the "no hair"do.
  • Josie's bedtime stories - she tells us stories for her bedtime!
We had a fun year. I'm sure much more happened that we failed to mention, of course. Mostly we're thankful for our health, our wonderful kids, a good job, a place to live, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and family and friends - without whom we wouldn't have had such a great year. We love you all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

06 December 2008

The Living Planet

This is the Living Planet Aquarium in Sandy. We recently bought a membership, which will pay for itself after the 2nd or 3rd visit. It's kind of small, but there are sharks, manta rays, an octopus, sea horses, jellies, a ton of starfish, and even native utah species (a bunch of kinds of trout). Oh yeah, and frogs, of course!

The Manta Ray "petting pond" is too deep for the kids. They'd be up to their necks if they tried to touch them.

Here's the Octopus and a starfish. Unfortunately, the Octopus is always stuck to the glass, so we never get to see him in his full glory.

The Jellies are definitely a favorite of ours. Apparently they are more like plants than animals...they don't have a brain or eyes, so they can't think or see anything. They just float around. What a life.

Josie and cousins Ben and Josh searching for frogs.

What's Fall without a pile of leaves?